Numbing cream


45 minutes


Some redness, swelling and possibly bruising


Same day




Several months

We're excited to introduce you to our latest breakthrough treatment: Lemon Bottle Lipolysis. Say goodbye to stubborn fat with this revolutionary solution designed to sculpt your body effortlessly.

Key Ingredients for Success:

  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): Activates fat metabolism, aiding in the breakdown of fatty tissues.

  • Bromelain: Helps to break down fat and reduce inflammation, promoting smoother contours.

  • Lecithin: Destroys and transports unnecessary fat cells, promoting a slimmer appearance.

Why Choose Lemon Bottle Lipolysis? Experience the safest and most effective non-surgical fat elimination procedure available. With Lemon Bottle Lipolysis, you can enjoy walk-in, and walk-out appointments, avoiding the risks and downtime associated with invasive alternatives. Our innovative treatment ensures outstanding aesthetic enhancement with unparalleled comfort, convenience, and confidence for our valued clients.

Benefits You Can Expect:

  • Virtually painless experience with minimal swelling or bruising post-treatment.

  • Immediate resumption of normal activities, with no disruption to work or social obligations.

  • Visible body contouring results as soon as the day following the procedure.

  • Gradual improvements over subsequent weeks as eliminated fatty acids and glycerol are cleared.

  • Long-lasting yet natural-looking fat reduction outcomes that enhance your overall appearance.


  • What Areas Can Be Treated?

    Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving are versatile and can effectively target stubborn fat in various areas, including the abdomen, hips, thighs, neck, back and upper arms.

  • Will It Work For Me?

    Determining if Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving treatment will work for you depends on various factors, including your individual health, body composition, expectations, and goals.

  • Do I Need A Patch-Test?


  • How Many Sessions Will I Need?


  • Is It Painful?

    Our injections employ a tiny, painless needle, however numbing cream can be applied.

  • Will There Be Any Side-Effects?

    Like any shot, you might have a bit of redness, swelling, tenderness, or bruising, but they typically go away shortly after the treatment. And if there is any bruising, it's usually not much to worry about.

  • Who Will Do The Treatment?

    Our skilled and experienced clinicians handle all our injectable treatments. You can feel confident that our entire team is dedicated to providing you with top-notch care.

  • What Do I Need To Prepare Beforehand?

    Before your treatment, it's a good idea to steer clear of blood-thinning medications like aspirin or ibuprofen (unless prescribed by your doctor) for three days. And if possible, try to skip alcohol for a day before your treatment. We'll need you to be around for a follow-up afterward, so it's best not to schedule your injectable treatment if you're planning to travel in the next two weeks.