Numbing cream


45 minutes


Some redness and sensitivity


1-3 days


6-8 (1 per month)


Long term

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that involves the use of small, fine needles to penetrate the upper layers of the skin, promoting skin rejuvenation. Typically, a specialised vitamin solution is applied to the skin before a device with tiny needle tips is moved across the skin. Microneedling can also be paired with a chemical peel for a more potent skin resurfacing and pore-tightening effect.

How Does Microneedling Work?

Microneedling triggers the body's natural healing process. Each pass of the microneedling device creates micro-injuries and channels that facilitate the absorption of essential nutrients into the deeper skin layers. In response to these micro-injuries, the skin undergoes repair and generates new collagen, elastin, and skin hydrators like hyaluronic acid. This results in a brighter, more hydrated, and smoother skin appearance, aiding in the treatment of issues such as pigmentation and acne scars.

When combined with a chemical peel, a natural acid blend is applied after microneedling. Because of the micro-channels created, the acid can penetrate deeper into the skin, helping to smooth scars, reduce pigmentation, and minimise pores.



  • Will It Work For Me?

    Microneedling is a safe and efficient method for enhancing skin texture, addressing acne scars, pigmentation issues, and signs of aging. This treatment is suitable for all skin types. However, due to the application of numbing cream, we do not advise undergoing this treatment if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

  • How Many Sessions Will I Need?

    To achieve the best results, most patients typically need six to eight sessions, with each session spaced about a month apart.

  • Is It Painful?

    The injections are not painful. To make the experience even more soothing, we offer numbing cream, numbing injections, and skin cooling.

  • Will There Be Any Side-Effects?

    Like most injections, you might experience some redness, swelling, tenderness, and bruising, which could take 2-3 days to go away, and bruises sometimes even longer. It's a good idea not to schedule your treatments right before important commitments.

  • Who Will Do The Treatment?

    Our skilled and experienced clinicians handle all our injectable treatments. You can feel confident that our entire team is dedicated to providing you with top-notch care.

  • What Do I Need To Prepare Beforehand?

    Before your treatment, we suggest discontinuing the use of products such as retinol, tretinoin, salicylic acid, or glycolic acid for a period of 5 days.

  • When Can I See The Result?

    The day after the treatment, most people will observe that their skin appears more vibrant and fresh. However, significant improvements in scars, pigmentation, or signs of aging may require several sessions to become noticeable.

  • How Long Will Result Last?

    The results are long-term. You can have regular maintenance session to maintain the best result achieved