

20 minutes


Some redness, swelling and possibly bruising




Course of 3


Months to Years

Profhilo is an advanced hyaluronic acid-based injectable product, carefully engineered to deliver the best of both worlds. It combines high and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, a dynamic duo that not only deeply hydrates your skin but also initiates the production of collagen and elastin through bio-remodelling. Benefit of Profhilo:

  • Revitalise Your Skin: Profhilo's unique formula is your ticket to skin transformation. It results in an impressive enhancement of skin texture, firmness, and overall quality.

  • Strategic Micro-Injections: Our skilled professionals administer a series of micro-injections meticulously placed across your body. This strategic approach ensures that Profhilo targets the areas that need it the most, promoting deep hydration and revitalisation from within.

  • Painless and Non-Invasive: Profhilo boasts a high purity and an outstanding safety profile. You can look forward to a comfortable experience that is virtually painless, with minimal disruption to your daily life.

  • Lasting Beauty: The benefits of Profhilo go beyond the immediate, providing long-lasting results. Say hello to a more radiant and lifted complexion that endures the test of time.



  • What Areas Can Be Treated?

    Profhilo is suitable for application on various areas, including the face, neck, décolletage, and numerous other body parts, such as the hands and abdomen.

  • Will It Work For Me?

    Profhilo is a extensively studied procedure known for its effectiveness in enhancing skin hydration, fullness, and elasticity.

  • How Many Sessions Will I Need?

    Typically, Profhilo require 3 treatments.

  • When Will I See The Result?

    The majority of people will notice some enhancement in the first month following treatment, with the best results typically visible around three months after the treatment.

  • How Long Do Results Last?

    The results can endure for several months to years. Nevertheless, this longevity may be influenced by lifestyle factors such as smoking and sun exposure.

  • Is It Painful?

    Profhilo injections are generally well-tolerated and cause minimal discomfort.

  • Will There Be Any Side-Effects?

    Like any shot, you might have a bit of redness, swelling, tenderness, or bruising, but they typically go away shortly after the treatment. And if there is any bruising, it's usually not much to worry about.

  • Who Will Do The Treatment?

    Our skilled and experienced clinicians handle all our injectable treatments. You can feel confident that our entire team is dedicated to providing you with top-notch care.

  • What Do I Need To Prepare Beforehand?

    Before your treatment, it's a good idea to steer clear of blood-thinning medications like aspirin or ibuprofen (unless prescribed by your doctor) for three days. And if possible, try to skip alcohol for a day before your treatment. We'll need you to be around for a follow-up afterward, so it's best not to schedule your injectable treatment if you're planning to travel in the next two weeks.