Numbing cream


90 minutes


Some redness, swelling and possibly bruising







GlowBoost Package

PRP + Glutathione IV drip + Biotin for an even brighter skin glow.

Experience the ultimate radiance with our Glowboost package, meticulously crafted to elevate your skin's vitality. This exclusive fusion of PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) and Glutathione IV drip works harmoniously to unlock a newfound glow from within.

What is PRP?

PRP, or Platelet-Rich Plasma, is a cutting-edge treatment that harnesses the rejuvenating potential of your own blood plasma. Rich in platelets and fortified with essential vitamins and nutrients, PRP is injected into the skin. At City Dock Clinic, we utilise PRP to stimulate cellular regeneration and reawaken dormant hair follicles.

How does PRP work?

The secret behind PRP's effectiveness lies in the remarkable role of platelets in tissue repair and regeneration. Platelets are pivotal in regulating various stages of the healing process. When PRP is injected, it enhances blood microcirculation in the scalp, facilitating better nutrient delivery to hair follicles and triggering cellular rejuvenation. This process effectively 'reawakens' dormant hair follicles, coaxing them into the hair-growth phase.

At City Dock Clinic, we take PRP treatment to the next level by combining it with a range of potent ingredients, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, nucleic acids, hyaluronic acid, and robust antioxidants like glutathione. This comprehensive approach ensures that our PRP hair loss treatment offers you the best chance for successful hair restoration.

Unlock the potential of PRP for hair loss treatment at City Dock Clinic, and embark on your journey towards revitalised and healthy hair. Contact us today to schedule a consultation, and let us help you regain your confidence with natural, beautiful results.



  • Will It Work For Me?

    PRP is a safe and successful method for enhancing skin texture, reducing acne scars, addressing pigmentation issues, and combating signs of aging. This treatment is suitable for all skin types. However, due to the application of numbing cream, it's advisable not to undergo this treatment while pregnant or breastfeeding.

  • How Many Sessions Will I Need?

    To achieve the best results, most patients typically need four sessions, with each session spaced about a month apart.

  • When Will I See The Result?

    The day after the treatment, most people will observe that their skin appears more vibrant and fresh. However, significant improvements in scars, pigmentation, or signs of aging may require several sessions to become noticeable.

  • Is It Painful?

    The treatment is generally painless, but some people may experience a mild stinging sensation during the process.

  • Will There Be Any Side-Effects?

    After the treatment, you might experience some redness, sensitivity, and the potential for minor bruising, which could persist for 1-3 days. Fortunately, most people can resume their regular work and social activities just a day after the treatment.

  • Who Will Do The Treatment?

    Our skilled and experienced clinicians handle all our injectable treatments. You can feel confident that our entire team is dedicated to providing you with top-notch care.

  • What Do I Need To Prepare Beforehand?

    Before your treatment, we suggest discontinuing the use of products such as retinol, tretinoin, salicylic acid, or glycolic acid for a period of 5 days.

  • How Long Will Result Last?

    The outcomes of a treatment series offer lasting benefits. To sustain optimal results, we recommend a single session every 4-6 months.