Teeth grinding and jaw clenching, medically known as bruxism, is a common issue that often occurs during sleep, periods of concentration, or under stress. Many individuals who grind their teeth or clench their jaw are unaware of this behavior. Common symptoms of bruxism include headaches, ear pain, jaw pain and stiffness (related to the temporomandibular joint), teeth wear, increased tooth sensitivity, and even broken teeth. The frequent grinding and clenching actions lead to the enlargement of the masseter muscles, which play a crucial role in these actions and are positioned over the jaw. Botulinum toxin, often referred to as 'Botox,' injections can weaken the masseter muscle, helping reduce teeth grinding and jaw clenching and improving the related symptoms


With a history spanning more than four decades, Botulinum toxin has been a steadfast presence in medical treatments. It earned its first FDA approval back in 1989, specifically for wrinkle treatment. Today, it stands as one of the world's most popular and highly sought-after cosmetic procedures.

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Anti-Wrinkle Injection (BOTOX)